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City of Toronto

Undertook a research project consisting of 14 focus groups and two online surveys to explore the value in, and recommend options for, renaming Toronto’s Homelessness Services System and shelters. 

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Worked with the Board to frame and resolve an outstanding and extremely important strategic issue that was a tough business challenge, and then to review and update the strategic plan to get it back on track.

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Healthcare Benefit Trust

Worked with the Board Chair to frame the strategic issues that needed to be addressed, then facilitated the Board through a discussion that allowed them to totally reposition

the organization within one year.

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HGC Engineering

Worked with shareholders to articulate a vision for the Firm and create a 3-year strategy designed to solidify HGC’s position as Canada’s most sought-after team of acoustical experts.

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U of T Mississauga

Developed a comprehensive strategic plan for the Department of Biology involving workshops with senior teaching, research and administrative staff, online surveys, and key informant interviews.

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B2B Bank

Designed and facilitated two half-day offsite meetings to introduce all employees to the concepts underlying branding and the power every employeee has to build a strong brand.

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Bell Sygma

Facilitated the senior management teams of Bell Sygma and Amdahl Canada to design the framework for a productive and mutually beneficial strategic alliance of the two organizations.


Pink Triangle Press

Facilitated a comprehensive process to prioritize strategic issues and develop a 3-year strategic plan involving online and key informant research and six facilitated workshops.

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TD Canada Trust

Facilitated business unit strategy sessions with the executive team responsible for retail and small business credit resulting in a unique and compelling business strategy for the unit.

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Facilitated the Executive Council and senior staff of the organization through the strategic planning process to build the strategic plan for 2018-2020 and provided ongoing advice and counsel on its execution.

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Worked with the senior leadership team on the redevelopment & implementation of a college-wide rebranding program leading to more cohesive marketing for Seneca’s recruitment initiatives.

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Canadian Association of Gift Planners

Worked with the Board and senior leadership team to develop consecutive three-year strategies as well as a comprehensive brand strategy to effectively position CAGP for future success.

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Assisted the Chief Executive Officer in the development of an innovative strategy designed to significantly enhance the overall performance of the Foundation. Facilitated team meetings and provided advice to the leadership team as required.

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Niagara Casinos

Facilitated the development of a 3-year strategy for Niagara Casinos. The process included an online survey, key informant interviews, facilitated workshops with the leadership team and their direct reports, and creation of a detailed plan of execution


Tatham Engineering

Facilitated the development of a three-year strategy for this highly successful consulting engineering, design and construction services firm. The process included personal interviews with clients and professional staff, online surveys, and three workshops.



Facilitated a meeting of the leadership team of CAO to identify and decide how best to deal with issues that could get in the way of the smooth operation of the CAO and the team’s ability to fulfill commitments made to the Board.

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Worked with the Board of Directors and senior leadership of the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario to facilitate the development of two consecutive three-year strategies.



Worked with senior leadership and the Board to facilitate the development of a three-year strategic plan, facilitated various meetings, and provided training for new Directors.

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Facilitated a 2-day meeting of 35 participants representing three companies bidding on the expansion of the Go Rail System in Ontario. Successfully created a statement of direction, identified and analyzed risk factors, and map-ped out approach to the bid.


Global Sepsis Alliance

Worked with the President and Executive Committee of this international charitable organization to facilitate a three-year strategy that furthered the mission of providing global leadership to reduce the worldwide burden of sepsis

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Elections Ontario

Coached the CEO through the creation of a vision for the electoral process out 13 years, then facilitated the executive team through the creation of the long-term strategy to make that vision a reality along with the execution timeline to get there..

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Coril Holdings

Facilitated a series of sessions with the senior executive team of this holding company that established a set of guiding principles for the selection, review, and renewal of capital investments along with clear success measures.

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Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters

Facilitated a series of half-day sessions with Canadian manufacturing company executives to build an understanding of the vision for manufacturing in Canada in the year 2020.

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CPA Canada

Facilitated a member task force comprised of senior tax practitioners and academics through a rigorous process lasting almost five years that resulted in the major redesign of education for entry-level tax practitioners in Canada.

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Facilitated two sessions with the Board of Directors of a new agency of the Ontario Ministry of Forestry responsible for forest management, focusing first on a long range vision and then on a one year action plan. 


Grant Thornton Foundation

Facilitated the Foundation Board through a strategic dialogue in which they shifted their focus dramatically to better support their mandate and built a robust action plan to migrate to their newly stated direction. 

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The Mezzanine Group

Facilitated focus groups for a variety of Mezzanine clients designed to identify specific actions that could be taken to modify products and gain greater market penetration.


Waterloo Region Tourism Marketing Board

Worked with the Board and Executive Director of this newly formed agency to develop the strategy to guide the Corporation during its formative years.

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Chimo Youth Services

Conducted research with  Board members and facilitated a 1.5-day retreat around Board roles and the role of each Director. Session included team building to affirm the importance of the team, and its individual members.



Facilitated over 100 sessions with over 30 public sector teams as they developed strategy at the ministry, division, and program levels.


OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance

Worked with the Executive Director to frame six strategic issues, and facilitated the Board of Directors through a discussion that resulted in shared understanding and defensible, actionable 
strategic decisions.

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Consulting Engineers of Ontario

Working with the CEO and Board, facilitated a number of key meetings including a workshop to develop a value proposition that members and prospects could get behind.


Dr. Oetker

Delivered a keynote on dealing with and making change work, and designed and facilitated a role playing game to help management overcome obstacles and achieve sustainable growth.

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YMCA of Greater Toronto

Led the development of a strategy to create and position a virtual foundation to boost annual donations and effectively differentiate the YMCA from other charities.

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Toronto Lands Corporation

Working with the CEO, senior leadership team, and Board of Directors, led the development of this organization's 3-year strategic direction.

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Sustainable Development 
Technology Canada

Helped staff executives prepare briefing notes for a strategic discussion of the Board, and facilitated the Board through a dialogue that built shared understanding and a robust action strategy.

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Ontario Real Estate Association

Developed and facilitated a three-year process to support OREA’s brand integration process, and inculcate the brand and brand behaviours into each employee’s daily working life.

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Five-year retainer engagement to develop and implement a marketing strategy for the personal insolvency division, and engage employees in effective sales and marketing practices.


Oakville Milton & District Real Estate Board

Facilitated 4 consecutive strategic planning processes. Developed a course and trained  senior staff members in the techniques of guerrilla mktg. Provided ongoing advice and counsel to senior management.

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Facilitated 2 consecutive strategic planning processes involving online surveys and key informant interviews, in addition to numerous special meetings and processes over a
5-year period.

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